These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace, in the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world - John 16 : 33.
He said, in Me you may have peace if you look for peace and in the world, He was firm and said you will have tribulations. At times, we are the impediments of God's blessings due to our way of thinking, our way of talking, our way of doing, due to fear, due to doubt, due to leaving the important things we are expected do first and doing the less important first and of course whom we associate ourselves with.
God hear our prayers, but He will not attend to our supplications if we do not seek first His kingdom because He cannot break His rules. A child cannot start running before standing. We have to be worried about what God thinks about us because there lies the blessing of God not what man thinks about us. And when you know what God thinks about you, this will make you to seek Him first before any other thing.
Even if you have very little resources that will take you to the end of the month, but remember that He is faithful to His promises and therefore still out of your little give what is God's to God and what is Caesar's to Caesar and you will see God's blessing manifesting in your life.
Everlasting Father, who knows the end from the beginning, Help us to always honor You with whatever You have given to us no matter how small it might be and help us to know You as the sole provider. Give us the grace to always seek first Your kingdom before our needs in every area of our lives in the name of Jesus Christ.
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